CyberTracker – 1.01

CyberTracker – 1.01
CyberTracker – 1.01 (1)



Aka CyberTracker
Version 1.01
Year 2001
Copyright (c) 2001 NoName
Credits CyberBrain (Bjarke N. Laustsen) [code]
Group NoName
Type Tracker
Source Not available
binary C64 disk image
Image(s) CyberTracker – 1.01 (1)

CyberTracker – 1.01 (2)

CyberTracker – 1.01 (3)

CyberTracker – 1.01 (4)
Related to CyberTracker 1.00
Keys F1 Play song
F3 Stop playing
F5 Play current pattern
RSHIFT + F1-F7 Change octave (1,3,5,7)
LSHIFT + F1-F5 Change octave (2,4,6)

Pattern Editor
SPACE Insert space (delete note/number at cursor)
, Insert ‘gate’ (???)
. Insert ‘stop sound’ (X)
DEL Delete line at cursor + move all lines under cursor 1 line up
INS Insert a new line + move lines under cursor down(deletes last line)
Crsr Move cursor
HOME Move cursor to first line
CLR Move cursor to last line
CTRL(+LSHIFT) Tab (move cursor to next/prev channel)
/(+RSHIFT) Move cursor 16 lines down/up
Press STOP/C=/LSHIFT (Channel/Pattern/Block) together with:
3 Cut + Copy
4 Copy
5 Paste
Press STOP/C=/LSHIFT/RSHIFT (Channel/Pattern/Block/All patterns) together with:
Q Transpose menu (you can do all transposing from here)
1 Transpose 1 note down (all instruments)
2 Transpose 1 note up (all instruments)
6 Transpose 1 note down (current instrument)
7 Transpose 1 note up (current instrument)
R Replace instruments
; (+RSHIFT) Next/Prev pattern
^ (+RSHIFt) Increase/Decrease Add
@ (+RSHIFT) Increase/Decrease song-number
= (+RSHIFT) Scroll trackwindow one line up
* (+RSHIFT) Increase/Decrease length of pattern
* + LSHIFT Make pattern $20 lines long
+ Increase selected instrument number
Decrease selected instrument number
8/9/0+ LSHIFT Channel 1/2/3 on/off
RESTORE Editmode on/off
RETURN Goto Track-editor
RETURN+RSHIFT Goto InstrumentName-editor
Goto multieffect editor
<- Goto MainMenu (double press to go to the instrument-editor)

InstrumentName Editor
CRSR Move cursor
DEL Delete char
INST Insert space (only possible if last char in the name is a space)
STOP Undo changes for a line (works only for the line under cursor)
RETURN Accept changes
HOME Move cursor to the first letter
CLR Move cursor to the last letter

Track Editor
CRSR Move cursor
/ Move cursor 16 lines down
/ + RSHIFT Move cursor 16 lines up
DEL Delete line at cursor
INS Insert line at cursor
HOME Move cursor to line 0
CLR Move cursor to last line
+ Increase value at cursor
Decrease value at cursor
; Increase value at cursor
; + RSHIFT Decrease value at cursor
R Set the SongRepeat-value to linenumber at cursor
0-9 & A-F Change value at cursor
@ Increase song-number
@ + SHIFT Decrease song-number
RETURN Exit TrackEditor
<- Exit TrackEditor

MultiEffect Editor
CRSR Move cursor
/ Move cursor 16 lines down
/ + RSHIFT Move cursor 16 lines up
0-9 & A-F Change value at cursor
E If in command-column: Insert “End”
SPACE If in command-column: Delete “End”
<- Exit
INS Insert a blank line (and Deletes line $FF) + update references
Del Delete line + update references
HOME Go to line $01
CLR Go to line $FF

InstrumentEditor Menu
CRSR Up/Dn Move cursor
HOME Move cursor to first line
CLR Move cursor to last line
RETURN Select the item under cursor
CRSR -> Goto EnvelopeEditor (same as pressing return on “edit envelope”)
+ Next envelope (win1)
Prev envelope (win1)
+ + RSHIFT Next envelope (win2)
– + RSHIFT Prev envelope (win2)
A. Goto MainMenu (double-press to go to the patterneditor)

Envelope Editor
CRSR Sx/Dx Select point
CTRL/CTRL+LSHIFT Select point: go 16 points forward/backwards
HOME Select first point
CLR Select last point
DEL Delete point at cursor
INS (RSHIFT) Insert a new point
LSHIFT + CRSR Move point
LSHIFT + / Move point 8 steps down
LSHIFT + / + RSHIFT Move point 8 steps up
LSHIFT + HOME Move point to the top
LSHIFT + CLR Move point to the bottom
CBM + CRSR Sx/Dx Scroll envelope-window left/right
+ Next envelope (win1)
Prev envelope (win1)
+ + RSHIFT Next envelope (win2)
– + RSHIFT Prev envelope (win2)
^ Swap win1 <-> win2
P Push all points after cursor left
P + Rshift Pull all points after cursor righ
L Toggle loop on/off for current envelope
S + LSHIFT Set loop start
B. Return to instrumenteditor-menu
Return Return to instrumenteditor-menu
RET+SHIFT Goto “point editor”

Point Editor
CRSR Move cursor
HOME Move cursor to the beginning of the line
CLR Move cursor to the end of the line
“+” / “-“ Select next/previous point
C. Exit

File Selector
CRSR Sx/Dx Move text-cursor
CRSR Sx/Dx Move fileselector-cursor
INST/DEL Insert/Delete a char
HOME Move fileselector-cursor to the first file
E. Exit
Return Load/Save the file

Main Menu
CRSR Move cursor
HOME/CLR Move cursor to the first/last line
RETURN Select menu-item
E. Exit


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