Magic-Drumer – v1.2

Magic-Drumer - v1.2 (1)



Aka Sound-Drumer
Version v1.2
Year 1988
Copyright (c) 1988 Magicans
Credits Champ & Rocky [code]
Group Magicans
Type Other
Source Not available
binary Magic-drumer_v1.2.d64
Image(s) Magic-Drumer - v1.2 (1)
Keys F1 Count highbyte for registers to read for the digis
F2 Count highbyte backwards
F3 Count lowbyte for register up
F4 Count lowbyte for register down
F5 Count lowbyte of register 2 up
F6 Count lowbyte of register 2 down
F7 Count lowbyte of register 3 up
F8 Count lowbyte of register 3 down
1 Set digi-address 1 to XXXX
2 Set digi-address 2 to XXXX
3 Set digi-address 3 to XXXX
4 Set digi-address 4 to XXXX
5 Length of digi no.1
6 Length of digi no.2
7 Length of digi no.3
8 Length of digi no.4
9 Speed of digis up/down
+ Raster-time uo/down
Digi volume up/down
£ FILTERing up/down. Removes feeping
Q Set LDA of sound-INIT on
W Set LDX of sound-INIT on
E Set LDY of sound-INIT on (only LDA or LDX or LDY)
R Count LDA,LDX or LDY up/down
T Address to INIT SOUND
Y Count HIGHbyte of INIT – ADDRESS up/down
I Count HIGHbyte of IRQ-JSR
O Count LOWbyte of IRQ-JSR
L Load parameter + routine
S Save parameter + routine
D Directory
G Start drum+sound
B Stop drum+sound
X Exit of magic-drumer


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