This is the same help that you can read in the tracker. Please note that some C64 characters are not in ASCII. Here is a quick translation from ASCII to C64 characters and the key usually used in PC most emulators: ASCII C64 character emulator keystroke ----- ------------- ------------------ \ pound Insert _ left arrow [key beside 1] ^ up arrow Del ================================================================ P0 Welcome to Odin Tracker Welcome to Odin Tracker 1.02 for C64 released by Zed on 28 Feb 2000. Use Up/Down/Left/Right to navigate back and forth in the pages. Any other key exits help. If the editor happens to hang, restart it with SYS2064 after reset. P1 Song structure The song is structured in the good old tracker style. The orderlist found in the top left corner contains pattern numbers. Each pattern consist of 3 track numbers and the transpose values for each of them. You can see these above the pattern display. P2 Global keys These keys work in all editor screens. SPACE start/stop playing F1 show this help F2 context help (well, sort of) F3 orderlist editor F5 pattern editor F7 instrument editor F4 config menu F6 specials menu F8 disk menu ./, select instrument =/- inc/dec order position Up/Down/Left/Right/Inst/Del usually work as expected. RUNSTOP and SHIFT+RUNSTOP work like TAB and SHIFT+TAB on PC. Controlling channels C=+1..3 mute/unmute channel 1,2,3 C=+4 mute/unmute all channels P3 Instrument editor (press F7) Here are the instrument parameters. (MSB means Most Significant Bit, LSB means Least Significant Bit.) 0-1. Attack/Decay/Sustain/Release 2. Wave table start: index of first element in wave table. 3. Wave table end: index of last element in wave table. 4. Wave table loop: if the player has reached the end index, it continues from this index. If you want no loop, set end=loop. 5-7. Arpeggio table start/end/loop: All similar to wave table. 8. Vibrato delay: number of ticks before starting instrument vibrato. 9. Vibrato depth/speed: high nybble is depth, low nybble is speed. Larger number means deeper and faster vibrato. P4 Instrument editor (cont) 10. Pulse width: 8 MSBs of initial pulse width. 11. Pulse speed: value added to the 8 LSBs of pulse width every tick. 12. Pulse limits: high nybble is 4 MSBs of lower limit, low nybble is 4 MSBs of upper limit. 13-15. Initial filter cutoff frequency, filter cutoff speed and limits. All similar to pulse paramters. Enter zeros to leave filter unchanged. The wave table bytes are dumped to SID waveform registers in each tick. The arpeggio table bytes are added to the note, so looping $00,$04,$07 should create a major chord, for example. Arpeggio bytes >= $80 are absolute note values, note is set to byte-$80. Not even track transpose is added. P5 Instrument editor (cont) Remember that: - instrument 0 cannot be defined. - you enable the filter with track effects. See effects F9x, Exx. - there is only 1 filter in SID, so do not play more than 1 sound with non-zero filter parameters. P6 Instrument editor, keyboard Moving around RUNSTOP next field SHIFT+RS previous field RETURN go to wave/arp table C=+N edit instrument name ./, select instrument Navigating in tables INST/DEL as expected SHIFT+A,Z up/down 16 lines SHIFT+Q,W,E,R go to position $00, $40,$80,$C0 in table Copying instruments C=+C copy instrument C=+V paste instrument P7 Pattern editor (press F5) Looks like in any other tracker: note, instrument, effect and effect parameter for all 3 channels. Don't forget that you edit separate tracks, unlike in MOD. You can see the track number and transpose value above the track's data. Transpose $0C is an octave up, $8C is an octave down. There are many key combinations to remember, but some of them should be familiar from other programs. P8 Pattern editor, effects 0 Do nothing. 1 If parameter<$80 slide down, else slide up by parameter-$80. 2 Set pulse width. Parameter is 8 MSBs if pulse width. 3 Slide to note. 4 Vibrato. High nybble is depth, low is speed. Temporarily overrides instrument vibrato. 5 Set pulse speed. See instrument editor. 6 Set pulse limits. See instrument editor. 7 Set Attack/Decay. 8 Set Sustain/Release. 9 Set waveform. Overrides wave table. A Arpeggio. Parameters like in MOD, Overrides arpeggio table. B Order jump. Just like in MOD. P9 Pattern editor, effects (cont) C Set filter cutoff frequency. Parameter is 8 MSBs of frequency. Overrides instrument filter params. D Pattern break. Parameter is hex, unlike in MOD. E Filter resonance/input control. High nybble is resonance, bit 0,1,2 enable filter for voice 1,2,3. F If parameter<$80, set speed. If parameter=$8x, set global volume to x. If parameter=$9x, set filter mode. bit 0: low pass, bit 1: band pass, bit 2: high pass, bit 3: cut off voice 3's output. If parameter=$Ax, fine slide down. If parameter=$Bx, fine slide up. If parameter=$Cx, note cut. If parameter=$Fx, set hard restart ticks to x. See tips. P10 Pattern editor, keyboard Moving around CRSR,INST,DEL as expected SHIFT+A,Z up/down 16 lines SHIFT+Q,W,E,R go to line 0,16,32,48 RUNSTOP next channel SHIFT+RUNSTOP previous channel \/SHIFT+\ del/ins in all tracks Entering notes CTRL+1..7 select octave Z..M,Q..P enter notes / enter note off ^ clear note under cursor ./, select instrument Editing song structure */@ inc/dec pattern for curr order ;/: inc/dec track for curr channel C=+Y enter track number for channel Editing track transpose C=+W/C=+S inc/dec track transpose C=+D enter track transpose P11 Pattern editor, keyboard (cont) Copying effects C=+G grab effect under cursor C=+F drop the grabbed effect Selection keys C=+B mark block begin C=+E mark block end C=+T select whole track C=+R unselect block Block operations C=+X cut block C=+C copy block C=+V paste block (overwrite) C=+M paste block (mix) C=+Q transpose block up C=+A transpose block down Misc keys _/SHIFT+_ inc/dec cursor step C=+Z undo last block operation P12 Pattern editor, tips If there is no instrument in the track, the parameters you set previously with track effects will not be re-read from the instrument. When entering notes, select instrument 0 to avoid entering an instrument number at the same time. The Gate bit in SID is released when the wave table element has bit 0 clear, and also when a note off is found in the track. To create long sounds, set bit 0 in each wave table element for the instrument, and enter a note off into the track when you want to start decaying the note. Vibrato depth 8 always makes the vibrato amplitude 1 semitone. P13 Pattern editor, tips (cont) The number of ticks for hard restart before the new note can be set with effect FFx for each channel separately. Use FF0 to effectively disable hard restart and tie notes together. Hard restart is always disabled when slide to note effect is used. P14 Orderlist editor (press F3) You will not use this very often, most editing can be done from the pattern editor using =/- for navigating in orderlist and */@ to change pattern number. Moving around CRSR,INST,DEL as expected SHIFT+A,Z up/down 16 lines SHIFT+Q,W,E,R go to position $00, $40,$80,$C0 Enter order numbers using 0-9,A-F or use */@. P15 Config menu (press F4) Set up your favourite colors. RETURN update srceen SHIFT+1..4 load default color sets Press F4 again to restore current colors. P16 Specials menu (press F6) Not much to say, really. Clear song clears tracks, patterns and orderlist but keeps instruments. You can replace instruments in a set of tracks or all tracks in a set of patterns. Remember that instrument 0 means no instrument. Swapping tracks also operates in a set of patterns you enter. P17 Disk menu (press F8) Quite self-explanatory. Save song simply dumps memory from $4000 to the end of the last track used in the song with no playroutine. Save song with player is a rotten temporary hack. Don't bother me. Init: LDA #$00 JSR $C000 Play: JSR $C003 Read/write tracks make it possible to remix songs. Hold down SHIFT to pause directory listing. P18 Well, that's it. You figure out the rest. :) Suggestions on improvements are welcome. Just tell me what you want. If there are requests, I'll code a packer that will compile the songs into a format that is faster to process and includes a playroutine, too. I'm waiting for more example tunes. Wotan mit uns.